Safe water for smaller premises
The new DCW Mini generator removes Legionella and biofilm in water systems. It is small and user-friendly with a short payback period and maximum effect.

Most powerful hand and surface sanitizer.
Kills 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses
and COVID 19. A powerful yet gentle
hand and surface sanitizer.
100% natural.
Kills 99.9% of all viruses and bacteria
Use in "wet mats" in entry areas, shoes, surfaces, cars,
Highly effective
with short exposure
Surface Santitation
Eliminates COVID 19 virus,
Influenza virus and other
multi-resistant virus and bacteria.
Area Sanitation
Hypochlorous Acid is non toxic
to humans and can be used in
populated areas.
Entry Areas
Disinfection of garment and shoe
soles at entry areas. Non-Toxic
with short exposure time required.
Hand Sanitation
Hypochlorous Acid is highly effective with short exposure time yet mild on the skin
How do I use Neuthox?
Spray NEUTHOX® on any surface and leave to dry or wipe it off after 20 seconds.
Use NEUTHOX® on hands and skin as a sanitizer.
Spray NEUTHOX® on produce for sanitizing
Benefits of Neuthox:
Is safe and non-toxic.
Kills all bacteria and virus, but is soft on the skin.
Is the natural antibacterial in your body.
NEUTHOX® contains:
Water, Sodium Chloride, Hypochlorous Acid, Free Chlorine
Note: Only for surface use and use on skin.
Do not drink.